
線切割進銷存(Wire Electrical Discharge Machining)

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線切割進銷存(Wire Electrical Discharge Machining)

線切割(Wire Cutting),也稱為電火花線切割或線電火花加工,是一種高精度的金屬切割加工方法。

1.工作原理: 線切割主要利用電火花原理。在這個過程中,一根細線(通常是金屬線)被用來通過金屬材料,同時在細線和工件之間通過電火花的放電來進行切割。放電的高溫和高能量使金屬材料局部熔化並被移除,實現高精度的切割。
2.適用材料: 線切割主要應用於對高精度要求的導電性材料,例如金屬。不同於火焰切割,線切割可以應對較薄的金屬,並實現複雜形狀的切割。
3.精度和表面光滑度: 線切割具有極高的精度,通常能夠實現微米級的切割精度。同時,切割過程中產生的表面光滑度也相對較高,減少了後期處理的需求。
4.應用領域: 由於其高精度和能夠處理複雜形狀的特點,線切割廣泛應用於製造業,包括模具製造、電子零件生產、鈦合金切割等領域。
5.設備和技術: 線切割的設備包括線切割機,其中細線由電腦控制,根據事先設計的數字模型進行切割。此外,一些先進的技術還可以實現多軸控制,提高生產效率和切割精度。


Wire Cutting, also known as wire EDM or wire EDM, is a high-precision metal cutting method.

1. Working principle: Wire cutting mainly uses the principle of electric spark. In this process, a thin wire (usually a metal wire) is used to pass through the metal material, while cutting is performed by the discharge of an electric spark between the wire and the workpiece. The high temperature and high energy of the discharge cause the metal material to be locally melted and removed, achieving high-precision cutting.
2. Applicable materials: Wire cutting is mainly used for conductive materials that require high precision, such as metal. Unlike flame cutting, wire cutting can handle thinner metals and achieve cutting of complex shapes.
3. Precision and surface smoothness: Wire cutting has extremely high precision and can usually achieve micron-level cutting accuracy. At the same time, the surface smoothness produced during the cutting process is also relatively high, reducing the need for post-processing.
4. Application areas: Due to its high precision and ability to handle complex shapes, wire cutting is widely used in manufacturing, including mold manufacturing, electronic parts production, titanium alloy cutting and other fields.
5. Equipment and technology: Wire cutting equipment includes wire cutting machines, in which thin wires are controlled by a computer and cut according to a pre-designed digital model. In addition, some advanced technologies can also achieve multi-axis control to improve production efficiency and cutting accuracy.

Wire cutting is a very precise and flexible metal cutting method, especially suitable for applications that require high cutting accuracy and surface quality.